/BCO-DMO/Red_Sea_Krill/krill_barcodes_v3 --species eq Stylocheiron_affine-- Level 1

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#   Krill_barcode_metadata_and_accessions
#      from_global_collections
#   A. Bucklin (UConn)
#   version: 2016-05-04 (includes links to GenBed columns for cruia, and adddd, instruument, station, totruument, station, tow, net)
voucher_num  NCBI_accession  region         date        lat      lon       depth_range  cruise_id        station  inst          tow  net     comment  
Eu51.12.4    KT864843        NE_Pacific     2012-09-13  34.526   -135.073  101-400      NH1208           32       MOC-1         24   4_or_5  nd       
Eu51.12.3    KT864844        NE_Pacific     2012-09-13  34.526   -135.073  101-400      NH1208           32       MOC-1         24   4_or_5  nd       
Eu51.12.2    KT864845        NE_Pacific     2012-09-13  34.526   -135.073  101-400      NH1208           32       MOC-1         24   4_or_5  nd       
Eu51.12.1    KT864846        NE_Pacific     2012-09-13  34.526   -135.073  101-400      NH1208           32       MOC-1         24   4_or_5  nd       
Eu51.12.5    KT864847        NE_Pacific     2012-09-13  34.526   -135.073  101-400      NH1208           32       MOC-1         24   4_or_5  nd       
Eu51.1.1     AF371984        Gulf_Stream    1993-04-22  39.692   -54       0-200        OC258            18       1-m_ring_net  nd   NA      nd       
Eu51.8.1     KT864848        Sargasso_Sea   2011-08-11  34.996   -52.027   150-367      OC473            1        MOC-1         2    5       nd       
Eu51.8.2     KT864849        Sargasso_Sea   2011-08-11  34.996   -52.027   150-367      OC473            1        MOC-1         2    5       nd       
Eu51.5.3     KT864850        Red_Sea        2014-01-07  22.445   39.04     0-100        Thuwal_2014-01   nd       MOC-25        1    4       nd       
Eu51.5.1     KT864851        Red_Sea        2014-01-07  22.445   39.04     0-100        Thuwal_2014-01   nd       MOC-25        1    4       nd       
Eu51.5.2     KT864852        Red_Sea        2014-01-07  22.445   39.04     0-100        Thuwal_2014-01   nd       MOC-25        1    4       nd       
Eu51.5.4     KT864853        Red_Sea        2014-01-07  22.445   39.04     0-100        Thuwal_2014-01   nd       MOC-25        1    4       nd       
Eu51.14.1    KU752550        Red_Sea        2014-01-12  22.481   39.033    200-400      Thuwal_2014-01   nd       MOC-25        3    2       nd       
Eu51.14.2    KU752551        Red_Sea        2014-01-12  22.481   39.033    200-400      Thuwal_2014-01   nd       MOC-25        3    2       nd